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A DIFFERENT TONE - [ cosmic love ]
We vibrate the cosmos and there is nothing on the outside that we don't find vibrating within. Our consciousness fields are extensions of the universal mind field and are thus always connected. However, the accumulated energies in the subconscious mind induce the illusionary experience of duality, disconnection and separation from the cosmos. An unshakable feeling of pointlessness and absurdity is the consequence and a common experience for many in these times of transformation in the Aquarian Age.
Once we move through these energetic blocks that often have manifested already on a physical level, we will start to experience greater clarity, space within, lightness and ultimately a sensation of connection and intimacy that seems to be beyond this world. We have entered the space of Cosmic Love, a Love that is infinite and boundless.
We all come from the Divine and ultimately will all merge back with the Divine, and in between, we experience the flow of life, and Love is the ultimate force that binds it all together.
Our only job is to move with it and participate in the eternal dance of existence and stillness.
May we remember that we are vessels of light.
May we accept our destiny to express the sacred soundcurrent of existence.
May we allow ourselves to be authentic to our soul's story
And may we elevate each other as our paths cross on this wondrous and miraculous journey of life.
deep listening - space of silence - authentic expression - authentic relationships
Hansu Jot is a Zero-Point Healer, Kundalini Yoga Trainer and devotional music artist.
Acknowledging life as a dance between the polarities with its source in the space of stillness, Hansu Jot facilitates immersive sacred sound events, trainings and workshops that allow people to deeply reconnect to the space of truth within and to remember that we are here to express the blueprint of our soul.
" I serve the One in everyone. I serve the life experience of the divine in everyone, I am the light and I see the light in everyone. That God is dwelling in everyone is my only insight.
→ @hansu_jot
→ Hansu Jot on Spotify
Friday, 14.02 — 5.00 PM
Inner Sound by Har
2nd backyard, 5th floor
wheelchair accessible elevator available, pls contact us before