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INNER CONCERT - [ sueño balam ]
In Mayan myths and cosmology, the Jaguar was a sacred animal associated with the night. It ruled the Underworld, symbolizing a bridge between worlds and a transition from life to death. As a totem animal, it represents intuition and transformation, embodying power and fearlessness.
Sueño Balam is a sonic ritual inviting to connect with the Jaguar as an animal spirit through a collective, active listening session. A narrative will be performed by Daniela Huerta, combining acoustic instruments, poetry, and electronics.
totem animal + ritual + collective listening + sorcerer
Daniela Huerta is a Berlin-based multimedia artist, DJ, and sound therapist. Mythology lies at the heart of her practice, serving as a springboard to explore the origins of consciousness, archetypes, rituals, and collective memory.
→ @baby_vulture
→ Daniela Huerta on Bandcamp
Friday, 22.11 — 7.30 PM
Inner Sound by Har
2nd backyard, 5th floor
wheelchair accessible elevator available, pls contact us before
USC + 10 eur
Eversports - 22 eur